Melody’s Key

A Novel by Dallas Coryell

Storyline: His eyes settled on her…piercing green embers of flame that revealed the ferocity of his pain and passion, yet still shrouded him under veils of ever deepening mystery that made every ounce of her ache to unravel him. Tegan Lockwood’s dreams were dead, sacrificed on the noble altar of duty before they ever had a chance to live. Her entire existence was disappearing into the abyss of apathy as she labored her days away keeping her family’s struggling business alive. There would be no emotion, no color, no beauty in her life. That is, until a mysterious visitor begins to draw her out of the darkness of her past towards something that will challenge the boundaries of her world, and unlock the most deeply held secrets of her heart.

I thought this was a cute, easy, light read. The story was simple and to the point – not gonna lie, I saw the ending coming – but every once in awhile I like knowing what’s going to happen in a book, but what makes it interesting is seeing how the characters get to the point that you inevitably know will happen. 

it was fun, and even a little cheesy at times – in a cute way though – it would make a fantastic beach or airplane read! Or even just a nice refreshing read between long series – which is what i used it for – the main character is quite likeable, but I wouldn’t call her loveable, yes she’s funny, sweet, nerdy and artistic. But She annoyed me a few times. she wanted a relationship, but she wouldn’t allow herself to get close to anyone because she just assumes all guys are the same and would all hurt her just because ONE did – I have a friend who does this, and it annoys the hell out of me – so for that and a few other little reasons I only liked her.. But her family I LOVED!! It reminded me so much of my extended family, a tight knit fun energetic loud crazy family! I loved the happy feeling I got during all the family scenes, seeing how much they love, support and encourage each other was inspiring! 

And Mason is Adorable. The book touched on a few bigger issues (depression, financial issues, rape, peer pressure and a few other things) which i actually didn’t expect, going into this book. but it was interesting to see how the characters deal with these real life relatable issues… I thought it was a good book, and I would absolutely recommend it. 

I rate this book 


If you would like to Purchase this book you can find it Here

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