
Volume I of the Rafractors series by the Brothers Epps

Description: A sudden outbreak of highly intelligent and exceptionally lethal monsters has plunged the Kingdom of Aruria into peril. The clandestine paramilitary organization — known to a select few as the International Guild of Investigators of the Supernatural — is all that stands between mankind’s salvation and its violent extinction. With the divine ability to impose their will on energy and matter, Serec, Sa’Sha, and NaRyn have the power to remake the fabric of spacetime. But when these teens find themselves at the center of this conflict, they must risk their freedom and their lives to unravel the mystery behind these creatures before their world descends into complete chaos. 

I was really worried at first, the very first few chapters had so many words that I didn’t understand. They make up their own words for things which was really hard to grasp and catch on to what they meant. It actually took a long time to realize what certain words meant. (I think I would have liked it much better if it just would have said ‘years, days, months, seconds’) it took so long to get over that and to finally feel like I sort of understood what they were saying each time. I feel that for a first book in a series it was way, way too long. It’s okay when it’s a second/third one to be so long because then the first one Captured your attention and you’re willing to put in the work for a 650 page book to continue the story, But a first one, that’s so long it just feels like a daunting task. I found myself going between liking it and then getting bored of it and then liking it and bored again because it seemed to go on for awhile before something exciting would happen. It was decent but it didn’t hook me in.

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